Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 1

i just started the devotional book called extreme devotion:book of the martyrs.

i've always admired the people who have had such an awesome faith in God that they were willing to go through just absolutely horrid things and still praise Him. However, i never thought that their stories applied to me. Lately i've been hearing about the end times a lot. I dont think thats coincidence. i think that we should really be preparing our faith for what lies ahead. whether you're someone who believes in pre or post trib, it doesnt matter...The Lord is coming, and things are inevitably going to get worse for Christians.

Can your faith withstand the pressures?

Can mine? I dont want to just hope so. I want to get to the place in my faith that no matter what horrible thing someone might do to me, i'll know that my faith in my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus is unshakeable.

Go with God. Down with the cardinals.

Yours Truly,
Creating Cary

PS. i'm going to try to use this partially as my devo journal...maybe you can glean something from my not so intuitive thinking??

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