Tuesday, January 27, 2009


(completely filling a page with doodles and rambles & then realizing you still have the whole back page, is almost as satisfying as coming to the end of a book and finding out theres a 2nd book in the series!)

i dont know if i want to call PSF and ask if she wants to hang out i mean her name says it all:

however, it would be really fun to hang out with RF. Her name also says it all:

But i only have NW's # ...i should just call BFF so i can get RF's cell #.

side not. i'm supposed to be taking notes in statistics right now...i'm not though..i'm writing this. lol. i'm going to fail my test tmrw.

go with God. down with the cardinals.

Yours truly,
Creating Cary

* this was written yesterday during college statistics.

1 comment:

  1. i adore how you give people names.
    i so want to do that.
    but i'm not stealing your idea.
    although i did once.
    hehe. sorry =]]
    i had to explain something that i didn't want to just flat out say.
    its rather interesting really.
    now then.
    does b.e.k.a.h have a name?!?!
