Thursday, January 22, 2009

all the latest gossip BAHAHAHA

okay. so yesterday YS told CI that i (this sounds so elementary i know) have a crush on SH. Yeah! Who does that!? so anyways, i told BFF & all she said is, "Well, in a few years if you end up married to SH, then you'll have YS to thank!" LOL! i needed a silver lining in all this mess. You might think this is all kinda whatever...but here's the kicker: CI told NW who just so happends to be best friends with SH!! Great! huh? so NW has now decided to take it upon himself to set SH & myself up b/c we would just be "soooo cute" (we would be but thats soooo not the point!)

oh and just a teeny bit of background. YS is my sister, BFF is one of my best friends, CI is her brother, NW is a friend of ours & is married to RF (not mentioned in this)

SH- super hott
CI- complete idiot
YS- younger sister
BFF- best friend forever
NW- newly wed
*RF- really fun

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