Monday, February 2, 2009

hey baby hey baby hey

i. creating cary. now officially. have a boyfriend. his name is RTM which stands for return to me. i'd tell you is real name but you might stalk me. eep. okay so i met him a week ago today. on January 26, 2009. We officially started dating yesterday, February 1, 2009

now im going to continue writing this.

RTM is basically kinda amazing in every way.

just one problem. i like saying "i love you" , like i'm kind of an ily whore, so i have to keep biting my tongue not to.. lol

but the thing is, now i kinda...err nevermind


love you

go with God. down with deployment. =/

oh yeah, RTM is getting deployed on March 1st :((((( sad day people.
but i get to see my baby tmrw!!


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