Monday, February 2, 2009

hey baby hey baby hey

i. creating cary. now officially. have a boyfriend. his name is RTM which stands for return to me. i'd tell you is real name but you might stalk me. eep. okay so i met him a week ago today. on January 26, 2009. We officially started dating yesterday, February 1, 2009

now im going to continue writing this.

RTM is basically kinda amazing in every way.

just one problem. i like saying "i love you" , like i'm kind of an ily whore, so i have to keep biting my tongue not to.. lol

but the thing is, now i kinda...err nevermind


love you

go with God. down with deployment. =/

oh yeah, RTM is getting deployed on March 1st :((((( sad day people.
but i get to see my baby tmrw!!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day 3

this will be posted later due to the fact that i am running late for school...UGHHH..3 more months 3 more months 3 more months...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


okay so ND (ND= New Dude) asked me out to dinner and a movie. i told him he had to ask my dad. he agreed to then decided not to b/c my dad would be like " how long have you known my daughter?" "um a little less than 24 hrs.." LOL but we could still accidently bump into each other right? :P

i'm just dont want to get to attached and then go commitment crazy right when he realizes its not worth it..

go with God. down with the cardinals.

Yours truly,
Creating Cary


(completely filling a page with doodles and rambles & then realizing you still have the whole back page, is almost as satisfying as coming to the end of a book and finding out theres a 2nd book in the series!)

i dont know if i want to call PSF and ask if she wants to hang out i mean her name says it all:

however, it would be really fun to hang out with RF. Her name also says it all:

But i only have NW's # ...i should just call BFF so i can get RF's cell #.

side not. i'm supposed to be taking notes in statistics right now...i'm not though..i'm writing this. lol. i'm going to fail my test tmrw.

go with God. down with the cardinals.

Yours truly,
Creating Cary

* this was written yesterday during college statistics.

sidenote *diff topic*

okay sooo last night at work i met this pretty chill guy. i fell asleep texting him last night lol. (if you ever read this, sorry i didnt mean too!!! haha) its really easy to talk to him. we have different opinions on several things but we like didnt argue...the last thing he had asked before i fell asleep was how he could take me on a date. in context the way that statement was phrased makes sense! lol anyways so i told him about having to ask my dad or whatever...then i fell asleep. oops.

umm. bek. if you want details text me as soon as you get this.

go with God. down with the Cardinals.

yours truly,
creating cary

Day 2

today's devo was about a newly married husband and wife who had just gotten arrested. the husband wouldnt tell where his church hid their copy of the scriptures. they burned his eyes out even! eventually both of them were killed since they wouldnt tell.

am i willing to die for my faith?

Monday, January 26, 2009

Day 1

i just started the devotional book called extreme devotion:book of the martyrs.

i've always admired the people who have had such an awesome faith in God that they were willing to go through just absolutely horrid things and still praise Him. However, i never thought that their stories applied to me. Lately i've been hearing about the end times a lot. I dont think thats coincidence. i think that we should really be preparing our faith for what lies ahead. whether you're someone who believes in pre or post trib, it doesnt matter...The Lord is coming, and things are inevitably going to get worse for Christians.

Can your faith withstand the pressures?

Can mine? I dont want to just hope so. I want to get to the place in my faith that no matter what horrible thing someone might do to me, i'll know that my faith in my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus is unshakeable.

Go with God. Down with the cardinals.

Yours Truly,
Creating Cary

PS. i'm going to try to use this partially as my devo journal...maybe you can glean something from my not so intuitive thinking??

Sunday, January 25, 2009


just thought i'd stop in to say i'm alive.
umm the STEELERS are going to the superbowl.
one week from now they'll be getting some rings =)
yeah, if you dont know what that means just ignore it.

i'm going to bed now, no interesting news to speak of really

i didnt see SH today, which sucked...


go with God. down with the cardinals.

yours truly,
creating cary

Thursday, January 22, 2009


rebekah, ask me why

Rigorous Training:

in: scripture, devotions, jokes, CONVERSATION, cooking, cleaning & grades.

emotions right now: anxious, mad, happy, excited, motivated

all the latest gossip BAHAHAHA

okay. so yesterday YS told CI that i (this sounds so elementary i know) have a crush on SH. Yeah! Who does that!? so anyways, i told BFF & all she said is, "Well, in a few years if you end up married to SH, then you'll have YS to thank!" LOL! i needed a silver lining in all this mess. You might think this is all kinda whatever...but here's the kicker: CI told NW who just so happends to be best friends with SH!! Great! huh? so NW has now decided to take it upon himself to set SH & myself up b/c we would just be "soooo cute" (we would be but thats soooo not the point!)

oh and just a teeny bit of background. YS is my sister, BFF is one of my best friends, CI is her brother, NW is a friend of ours & is married to RF (not mentioned in this)

SH- super hott
CI- complete idiot
YS- younger sister
BFF- best friend forever
NW- newly wed
*RF- really fun

Sunday, January 11, 2009


okay. so winterjam was UH-MAE-ZING!! lol. but for real. it was the shizzz.
TobyMac. nuff said. lol
but for those of you who have never seen him perform let me elaborate.
Hawk Nelson was rediculously awesome. like i forgot how much i loved them.
the only thing that would have made it better was if FAMILY FORCE 5 had been there!!
they put on an even better show than TobyMac!! which is hard! lol

so yeah, i had a really great time letting loose and dancing like a maniac.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


school is getting easier by the second. 52 more days till i leave for ecuador!!!!!!!! eeek! i'm super excited. i'm going to be dying my hair again today so cross your fingers!

<3 charli

Monday, January 5, 2009

sorry. sorry! did i mention i'm sorry?!!

okay so between working two jobs, being a highschool senior, and taking a few college classes..oh and having a the sliver of life i can live & devotions, (notice theres not time for eating or sleeping!!) just havnt found the time nor the energy to keep writing this book. so my sincerest apologies to the my host of readers (bek) :P
until further notice this will merely be what the host website name insinuates: a blog spot. i should be able to invest five minutes of time each day into being witty and charming for you all. (bek)
i'm not sure if i'm up to the challege but i'll give it a shot.